このキャップでスレを立てるとキーが924〜になる: vara.pl sub IsRegulation 387行目 if ($oSYS->Equal('MODE',1)){ の次に追加 if ($oSEC->IsAuthority($capID,19,$bbs)){ $this->{'FORM'}->Set('KEY','9240000001'); $oSYS->Set('KEY',$this->{'FORM'}->Get('KEY')); }
radagast.pl sub Set { my $this = shift; my ($key,$value) = @_; use Jcode; Jcode::convert(\$value,'utf8','sjis'); $value =~ s/(\W)/'%'.unpack('H2',$1)/eg; $this->{'COOKIE'}->{$key} = $value; }
sub Get { my $this = shift; my ($key) = @_; use Jcode; my $val = $this->{'COOKIE'}->{$key}; $val =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; Jcode::convert(\$val,'sjis','utf8'); $val =~ s/\r|\n|\0//g; $val =~ s/"/"/g; $val =~ s/</</g; $val =~ s/>/>/g; return $val; }
【トラックバック来たよ】(ver.0.10) [タイトル] Welcome to Phentermine-HCL.org [発ブログ] Welcome to Phentermine-HCL.org http://www.phentermine-hcl.org/ [=要約=] <a href="http://www.phentermine-hcl.org">phentermine</a> One type of weight loss that is gaining popularity and giving those who need the